Big Hope
Jul 27, 2024
3rd interview after 2 denials
Hi all, finally decided to share my endless story, i had two denials one with my ex wife and one with my current wife, the second’s case was denied becof the first one they never believed it was a real marriage, my second interview i was clarely told my current marriage is fine and they never believed my first one was. and the 3rd case we have now the interview was on July 12th exactly two weeks ago, the interview went smooth no questions about the previous marriage!! and the officier told us to expect a mail 3 to 4 weeks but she did not mention if we are approved or not, our lawyer said this could be a straight approval or denial!! I have two kids with the current wife, any thoughts about this case is appreciated Thank you


U.S. citizen filing for a spouse

Total Days: 491 days
491 Days
Nebraska Service Center: I-485
Timeline Map
Submission to USCIS
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Find out what comes after "Case Was Denied" in Lawfully's USCIS Case Status Message Explorer, based on real statistical data.
Magic MagicJul 27, 2024
@Big Hope why did they think your first marriage was not real ?
Big HopeJul 27, 2024
we had few minor discrepancies and they thought it was not real, we were looking for a second interview during that time but they just send us noid and denied the case after.
Magic MagicJul 27, 2024
ok,thank you .l hope this time you get it !!😌😌
Cheick drameJul 27, 2024
we are in same boat
GREAT FAVOUR Jul 27, 2024
please wait for the letter, i pray this will be the end of this very stressful journey. The journey of life is tough but we have to keep moving and not relent. congratulations in advance bro
i can't wait to see if the green card is really green.Jul 27, 2024
i hope you they don't have you file i601 for indmissible.
Big HopeJul 27, 2024
@i can't wait to see if.. can you please explain why should I file i601 thank you
Big HopeJul 27, 2024
@GREAT FAVOUR thank you, hope it will be the end of it
mon cJul 27, 2024
@Big Hope i had a similar situation my first marriage ended and he withdrew the petition then I end up remarring apply again to uscis when I went for interview every question was abt the first marriage which I could answer everything because of how the situation was with us at the time I ended up getting and rfe for the both marriages and also had a removal in absentia from the previous marriage which I didn't even know abt until I went for the interview with my current husband I got lawyer reply to the rfe and i.got my i130 approve by the next day i485 ended up being denied because immigration judge had jurisdiction then I try to get dhs to join in my motion etc......so Just hope everything works out for u
fjfjxjx cjcjdjxJul 28, 2024
just like myself, I know God will not put us in shame
Big HopeJul 28, 2024
@mon c so your case has to go to the court ?
Big HopeJul 28, 2024
@fjfjxjx cjcjdjx God is big and will bless us with his mercy
mon cJul 28, 2024
@Big Hope yes I had a deportation in absentia from me previous marriage and I never knew until I went to the interview for my current marriage and bcus of that my i485 got denied and only the i130 got approve after proving both marriages.
Big HopeJul 28, 2024
@mon c i see i had a friend went through the same situation and they keept postponing the court day for like 4 times than they waiver it and approve his i485
mon cJul 28, 2024
@Big Hope I had to try and get dhs to join in the motion in order to get the absentia order dismiss but couldn't get dhs to join been trying since last year September end up changing lawyer in April of this year and reapply still couldn't get dhs to join then finally apply to.the court it got rejected then lawyer without dhs consent lawyer continue to try until court decide to consider the motion then I finally got it open have a master hearing coming up then dhs finally join in the motion so now only waiting on judge signature then will.apply i485 back with uscis
Big HopeJul 28, 2024
@mon c im sure you will get it approved just matter of time.
mon cJul 28, 2024
@Big Hope that's nice it's been a very long journey for me but I'm finally getting out the immigration court just keep pushing with your case cause some of these lawyers don't know anything I got that experience.
Big HopeJul 28, 2024
@mon c i agree this is my 3rd lawyer btw
mon cJul 28, 2024
@Big Hope I no the feeling but all.the best
mon cAug 24, 2024
@Big Hope did you hear anything
Big HopeAug 24, 2024
@mon c thank you for checking up on me, unfortunately nothing yet!! not sure what will be the next step
mon cAug 24, 2024
@Big Hope I hope and pray you hear something soon.
Big HopeAug 24, 2024
thank i appreciate it

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