action taken email received
“We have taken an action on your case” email received this morning.
PD Nov 29, 2023
#consularProcessing #Nebraska
U.S. citizen filing for a spouse
Total Days: 475 days
475 Days
Nebraska Service Center: I-130
Timeline Map
Submission to USCIS
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Chucks chachacha12h
Hopefully it’s approval!!
C NS12h
@Chucks chachacha waiting to see what it is.
K 🇺🇸 D 🇭🇳 12h
there it is!!!! the 29th!!!! Woohoo 🎉 congratulations 🎉 December is just days away!
C NS12h
@K 🇺🇸 D 🇭🇳 I don’t know the action yet. thanks in advance. nevertheless, they at Nov 29, 2023. NGL, they flew through November 2023 and we love it.
K 🇺🇸 D 🇭🇳 12h
@C NS I am guessing you are approved 😉 and yes they flew through November!!!
C NS12h
@K 🇺🇸 D 🇭🇳 lets see nothing has changed online in the USCIS portal.
tanvir tai12h
Inshaallah soon
Agnes 🇬🇧11h
we received the same!! same day same center - can’t wait @C NS - I’m hyper
Michael J11h
mine is 28th nov 2023(vermont) got email saying action taken on 14th(8am)but no update yet
Michael J11h
i seen someone said they got approval on i think dec 17th or somewhere around there
Febi M11h
@K 🇺🇸 D 🇭🇳 my mine December 10, i can't waiting for get good news 🤩
C NS10h
@Agnes 🇬🇧 I don’t know how to feel yet but definitely some hope is restored.
C NS10h
@Michael J I saw that December approval as well. The action is the probably looking over the docs to ensure everything that is required is submitted.
Chelsea black10h
@C NS it’s your approval 🫶🏽😊
Chelsea black10h
@K 🇺🇸 D 🇭🇳 us next let’s continue to pray for good news🙏🏽
C NS10h
@tanvir tai in this holy month of Ramadan, Inshallah we will get approval.
Agnes 🇬🇧10h
@Michael J I think that was wrong, I saw the same update but lawfully said PD was Nov 17 - and not dec 17 as the commenter said. I think the person may have mixed up the date of the receipt notice and the PD
Michael J10h
@Agnes 🇬🇧 now that you say that I remember seeing that now too... totally forgot. sorry don't want to give false hope😬 but that date is coming soon tho😁
Khuzaima Amir10h
@C NS if you filed online, can you check your documents tab and see if you see the approval letter there.
inshaallah ALLAH A and M10h
Aslam Alakum friends 2 times they change estimated times farst 3 months after 2 months 4 weeks and than 5 months I think thay totally forgot me
C NS9h
@Khuzaima Amir nothing is in that tab except for notice of receipt. @inshaallah ALLAH A and M your time is coming soon.
Racquel Denton8h
congratulations 🎊
Agnes 🇬🇧7h
@C NS any update yet? nothing for us, just checked
C NS6h
@Racquel Denton thank in advance. @Agnes 🇬🇧 nothing yet.
Agnes 🇬🇧5h
@C NS check now, we just got it!! approved!! good luck
K 🇺🇸 D 🇭🇳 4h
@Febi M haha I am December 9th
God's child4h
🎉🎉🎉♥️♥️♥️💕💕💕💕I'm SO happy for all of u who have recieved today the Email ✨✨ may god guide My case too. I'm dec 13 2023✨ California Sc
C NS1h
@Agnes 🇬🇧 congrats 🥳. There is nothing in my inbox.