Dan .
Jul 5, 2022
If I have an i130 pending for almost a year and have a removal procedure, can I apply for EAD while I wait? I'm married to an USC.
waiting forever Jul 5, 2022
if you’re in removal because the asylum, apply for EAD based on that
Bon BagayJul 5, 2022
we have the same case ✅ my lawayer didn’t feel the i765 for me, she just wait until they approve my i130 first after that to feel the adjustment and the work permit together. I’m waiting for my TPS with one of the approval she will over the removal proceeding. you’re still take an advice from a lawyer
Joshua bortJul 5, 2022
you can still apply man,you dont have to wait for i130
waiting forever Jul 5, 2022
@Bon Bagay I have an identical situation as you (including TPS)

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