Jenn P
Aug 21, 2021
is anybody on this ever missed a biometric appointment for N400? if yes what did you do? because I tried to contact uscis they told me to wait for their desicion and I'm afraid i might be deny
please help
pipo gAug 22, 2021
yes I miss my appointment that was set for July 16th.I called them 3 hrs before the appointment and told them I couldn't make it due to covid symptoms and ask to talk to tier 2 person.I was promised a call in 30 days,but was sent an email instead saying they cancel the 1st appointment and put me back in the queue...
Call them asap and give a good reason why you miss or they might just dismissed it.
Jenn PAug 22, 2021
yes I did tried to call them I told them I've never received the notice they told me that I should've call them before the date notice after. I couldn't call before the date because until now I've never received the notice I only see that that they sent me a notice on the app but never got the mail
pipo gAug 22, 2021
Keep pushing.Or they will just dismissed it
Jenn PAug 22, 2021
u meaning keep pushing like keep calling or what cause everytime I call they say all I can do is wait for their decision which is scary to me because I'm afraid they might cancel it
pipo gAug 22, 2021
Or you might havr to get a lawyer on this.
sam samAug 22, 2021
New law says if you miss you Bio appointment they have the right to deny your case so they might deny it soory for you
Jenn PAug 22, 2021
yeah well I wish I had received the notice but there's nothing I can do now but wait and see
Method AlAug 23, 2021
First, if the missed appointment was recent (less than a week ago), you can simply check the "request for rescheduling" box midway down the application and mail it to the address shown. USCIS will send you a new biometrics notice, but it might take several weeks to do so. If you choose this option, make a copy of the notice and save it for your records.
Jenn PAug 23, 2021
@method I can't do that if I never received the notice or the actual paper in the mail I found out when I downloaded this app to track it and I had an interview iin June and got this app in August so that is way too late and I never got the paper
B BAug 29, 2021
@Method Al, you can’t mail requests to reschedule anymore. You must call them and make a new appointment. @Jenn K, did you not provide them with an email when you submitted your application? They would have created you an online account, and you’d have received an electronic copy of any notice, and be able to print it if the mailed one never arrives.
Jenn PAug 29, 2021
@M B I am not the one who applied for the n400 it's my smarty husband who think knows everything more than anybody in the world and who refused to download any tracking app for his case and reply on the mail man to deliver every pieces of notice on time for him and u did ask him that Same question he said no he never received any email from them which I think is a lie cuz they would've sent one for sure but I really don't care cuz if he did listen to me from the beginning he wouldn't have missed it
Sam KnightOct 20, 2021
I am in the same position and didn't receive the Biometrics Notice and missed my appointment. I have been calling twice a week for 6 weeks now, and USCIS won't reschedule a new appointment and keep telling me to wait, each time telling me different information. I've been told by Officers that it will be rescheduled automatically within 30 days, 60 days and 90 days, that I have to wait to see if my application will be denied and that there's nothing they can do. I've asked to speak to a Tier 2 officer and have been wait 33 days now. They are just so unhepful. @Jenn - do you have an update?
Jenn POct 20, 2021
yes they did reschedule it for Sept 27 and 3 days after they schedule the interview for November 5
Sam KnightOct 20, 2021
Thank you for letting me know. Did they automatically reschedule it, or did you have to keep chasing them? Any tips you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
Jenn POct 20, 2021
I called them about 2 times the first two time they said I must wait and the third time they said that an officer will contact me back after like a week I get the notification from the app saying my bio was scheduled. but no officer called me back they just did it
Sam KnightOct 20, 2021
Thanks again - which app are you referring to? This one: or is there another one?
Jenn POct 20, 2021
I have two app to track my cases I have this one an another on call case tracker they both send me notifications whenever I have an update on my case
Sam KnightOct 20, 2021
Thank you for being so helpful Jenn
Jenn POct 20, 2021
you're very welcome
jax bNov 9, 2021
i missed my biometrics appointment that i have been waiting for almost 6 weeks now! I just saw my status showing that they send my appointment and if not receive notice i should contact them by nov 7. i called today and the agent showed me that it was on my documents. which is true! she took my details and told me to wait..The appointment was scheduled for Nov 3.Can i show up at the Biometrics office to see if they can do it for me?
Rimsha KJan 12, 2022
Hi everyone
I missed my biometrics appointment cuz of testing positive for Covid. I was literally burning in fever and was not able to call them before time. When I called them the auto operator said if I missed my appointment for the first time and did not reschedule it more than once they’ll automatically do it. is it true?
jax bJan 22, 2022
Try visit the office and explain yourself..they might hear you out and accept to take bio for you @Rimsha K.