Shiba! !
May 18, 2024
Moved to( Elis) electronic immigration system for processing
After 12 and a half years, a first update to say my case has been moved to (Elis) electronic immigration system for processing. My hope is that it will move much faster now.
U.S. citizen filing for a married son or daughter over 21
Total Days: 4530 days
4530 Days
California Service Center: I-130
Timeline Map
Submission to USCIS
This timeline was created with the Lawfully App. Download the Lawfully App now.
Musa KromahMay 18, 2024
this case is definitely outside of normal processing time.
2013 is a longtime
You should submit a request ASAP
p mMay 18, 2024
I saw same for my friend yesterday move the ELIS and he got a different number as well. He was hoping to see a approval after waiting 5800 days
Saad SiddiquiMay 20, 2024
Today i also got the same message after 6 years of wait in F1 category. Elis is not showing up in processing time tool. Any idea where to its processing time?
that boy ugandaMay 24, 2024
bro this is abnormal wow
girly RedsMay 29, 2024
same for me filing year 2018
Jose CastroMay 31, 2024
the same thing happened to me today! I was WAC and now IOE! I'm f3 category since from 2016! 1 hope to be a good news!
Shiba! !Jun 7, 2024
Case is being actively reviewed.
That's the notification I got today
Shiba! !Jun 7, 2024
Good news soon. All of us. I think they are back to pre- covid work levels ( which was slow anyway) I also suspect they are working faster, being an election year. Also, moving cases to the electronic platform will of course make it easier and faster to work or update cases. This thing is stressful but soon, it will all be in the past. Amen.
Shiba! !Jun 11, 2024
Case Approved. It seems truly moving the case to electronic processing actually facilitates a faster process. I was moved to Elis in May. By June I've been Approved! After almost 12 yrs of nothing! Hold on guys, we will get there.
girly RedsJun 13, 2024
congratulations 🎉
girly RedsJun 13, 2024
my case was file in 2018 fist update was migrated to Elis on May 20th so am keeping the faith that it's approved soon🙏🏼
Manvir KJun 14, 2024
Hi fellow mates, it’s been 12 years since my i130 petition filed. Today after 12 years i got an email mentioning your case has been transferred to elis with new application number . What does this exactly means ?? Is this a good sign ?? @shiba
Manvir KJun 14, 2024
@Shiba! ! can you please explain ? as i got same email yesterday after 12 years !
Manvir KJun 14, 2024
@girly Reds mine also moved to elis. my does it actually means ???
Shiba! !Jun 16, 2024
@Manvir k, I can only think it is good news since electronic processing makes for easier and faster processing and updates unlike the paper based petitions. Now that you have been moved to the Electronic processing platform it is expected ( hopefully) you will see " actively being reviewed" soon! By the way what category are you in? I am in F3, I.e married sons/ daughters of US citizens. I also got my Notice of Approval sent to my Mother- in laws address in the US yesterday. All between being moved to Elis just last month and now. Its taken about a month from being moved to Elis and getting the Approval Notice by mail. So, keep your head up brother, I believe you are pretty close!
Shiba! !Jun 16, 2024
@ girly reds, thank you so much. God bless. Do keep the faith, you are pretty close I believe.
Shiba! !Jun 16, 2024
@ Castro, @Siddique, Any update yet?
Shiba! !Jun 16, 2024
@Musa Kromah, @the boy Uganda, yes it definitely is. I did case inquiry several times. We know how it is with USCIS, it is like talking to a wall!
Shiba! !Jun 16, 2024
@girly reds, your priority date is 2018? Are you in F3 category? F2?
rahim raJun 16, 2024
@shiba! my case also got moved to elis on 31st may, i applied in the year 2011, it was an i130 f4 petition, any idea how long will it take?
Shiba! !Jun 16, 2024
@ Saint sos, great that you have been moved to Elis, that's good news. You should check your updates regularly. Cases moved to Elis are having faster updates. 2011 is a long time so I think it's getting to your time. Soon I believe. Very soon.
rahim raJun 16, 2024
@shiba! yeah hopefully it will come soon, it's the first update I have received since applying I think, also after getting approved do they call you for an interview and give you the greencard or are there other steps involved before that happens?
girly RedsJun 17, 2024
@Shiba! ! am F1 unmarried daughter of a US citizen. Yes priority date October 2018.
Truong NguyenJun 20, 2024
They received my F4 application back in August 2013, and the first update, 11 years later, was that it was moved to Elis. I got the email in June so hopefully good news in on the horizon. is this normal for F4 petition?
Truong NguyenJun 20, 2024
@Shiba! so it took 22 days for your to see updates. I am hoping the same here, Shiba.
FM GMJun 21, 2024
After 10 years+ we also got an update from USCIS that " Your Case Migrated to ELIS "
Shiba! !Jun 24, 2024
For people moved to Elis, I would say at least its good news. Possibility of faster processing. I'm judging based on my own case and some others I am privy to. @ Truong, yes hopefully you'll receive some new updates very soon. @girly Reds, F1, your case is already too long for F1 category. But hopefully soon since you have been migrated to Elis. @ FM GM, congrats on that. You should be upbeat now. That's some exciting update. Just monitor you case.
FM GMJun 24, 2024
@Shiba! ! approval may come quick, but case will b stuck at NVC till PD becomes current, still a long way, but at least we r getting some positive vibes...
FM GMJun 24, 2024
@Truong Nguyen we r also in F4 Category and after 10+ years receive this update.... hopefully things will move fast
Shiba! !Jun 24, 2024
@ FM GM, exactly! At least something to even show the case is alive after a decade. The earlier one finishes with USCIS and move to NVC, the better. Yes, one will now have an eye on the Visa Bulletin to see the movements each month. For F3, it has experienced a forward movement of about 9 months within a few months so that's also positive. The process has been excruciating for all really, so much that any update, any shard of hope one picks from the process is welcome. I believe this year, many will experience some forward movement. Historically this is true every election year. Quite unfortunate really.
Gordo CJul 3, 2024
@Shiba! ! Congratulations. I'm in the same boat as @girly Reds it has been 161 days since it was migrated to ELIS. F1 unmarried daughter of a US citizen priority date December 2018
girly RedsJul 7, 2024
@Shiba! ! did your case online update your status to approve?
girly RedsJul 7, 2024
anyone else here in the comments did you case got approved?
Shiba! !Jul 8, 2024
@ Gordo C, Thanks. As per your case 2018 is pretty long for F1. Good you've been moved to Elis. Your time is close for sure.
Shiba! !Jul 8, 2024
@girly Reds, yeah my status was updated to approved (online). The update reflected here at lawfully too. Infact lawfully sent a notification to me too.
girly RedsJul 8, 2024
@Shiba! ! sounds good hopefully I get approved soon putting into the atmosphere almost 6yrs and only moving was migrated to Elis....
Rom .Jul 9, 2024
My i130 petition for sister today completed 12 years. Case code was WAC XXXXX california “case was received” and we received a letter from uscis that time. . The only update was last month jun 13 2024 is case migrated to ELIS. And new case code provided IOE86XX….
Anyone have idea about this code ?
Farshad AziziJul 12, 2024
My case was migrated to elis on 11 jun last month. My case is a F4 from 2014. I hope all of us see that approved message soon.
But in NVC they still working on 2007 or 2008 cases. I think its been 5 years that numbers doesn't change! And process which was takes 10_12 years back then, now easily takes 16 years.
meanwhile we hear they let 9 million people illegally come to US from Southern borders and thats sad!
Ricardo GomesJul 21, 2024
Hello! New here but I’m in the exact same situation as Farsgas Azizi, where I’m waiting for an F4 and after 12 years I finally got a notification saying my case was migrated to ELIS. Unfortunately, California is also processing 2008 right now. Does that mean I’ll probably have to wait at least another 5 years, if not more??
Meanwhile millions of illegals cross the borders and get all the paperwork they need. This system is so unfair and messed up!!
Haiqaa FarhanJul 22, 2024
Hello Guys! I have a serious question to ask. I live in Pakistan and my father has opened immigration on 9th September 2012. It was his brother living in USA who filed I-130, Petition for Alien Relative for us on 2012. Today we received a letter saying that our case has been migrated to ELIS. Can you all please guide me that what's happening and how much time is left? Thankyou
Haiqaa FarhanJul 22, 2024
@Shiba! !
Shiba! !Jul 25, 2024
@FM, congratulations on USCIS moving your case to Elis. Has your case been approved? As per Receipt Not Sent, USCiS will notify you when they have an update.
If your case has not been approved , you'd probably see "case is veing actively reviewed" first, before the status changes to " Approved", then you'll get a Notice of Action. Follow the visa bulletin.
Shiba! !Jul 25, 2024
Hello Farhan, since your case has been moved to Elis, it is expected it would move faster. ELIS is electronic processing. What category are you in? F1, F2, F3, F4?
Shiba! !Jul 25, 2024
@Azizi and Gomes, honestly it's frustrating for everyone! You just have to hang in there. If NVC is working on 2007/2008 it doesn't mean it will take 4 or 5yrs but looking at it historically, it could. However there have been improvements in the movements in recent months and you have both been moved to the Electronic processing time so that should help.
It ain't funny, this process.
It is what it is.
Shiba! !Jul 25, 2024
@ Rom that code is like your new identification number. Going forward that new number beginning with IOE will be used to identify you, it is unique to you.
Your former number, probably begins with WAC is now no more needed.
So keep that number. Congrats on your migration to Elis and good luck!
hafsa gulJul 29, 2024
hi i applied i-130 for my sister and her family we got the notification that our case was moved to ELIS after 12 years how much longer will it take and 2 of her daughters have crossed the age of 18 so what will be the situation on that?
M KaurAug 6, 2024
Hi shiba
My sister in law applied a elien relative case for my family in 2014 Feb after 10 year June 24 I check my case status I see my case have been moved migrated to ELIS for processing . Is this a good sign
girly RedsAug 13, 2024
@Shiba! ! any other updates on your case?
Ajmeri AIAug 19, 2024
@shiba! In f3 category I have heard that the age limit in form I-130 petition is 21 years for children. Is this the right news and if it is true then our alien relative petition for married son/daughter file was filed in 2013by my grandparents and I’m 21 year old, so if our file is opened in 2-3 years, will I not be able to go? Please answer my question
Compliment shiba, pls my case was moved from I-130 june 17th 2015 From WAC... to ELIS... 0n 17th 2024. What is the next line of action.
will bulletin indicate the date as it progresses.
I wonder why after 10 good years that was when the slight movement was done. so after Movement to ELIS what next at what time.
Shiba! !Sep 5, 2024
@M Kaur, certainly it is a positive sign as electronic processing will always be faster than paper processing. USCIS is trying to move all paper based petitions to electronic processing. Any updates since then?
@girly Reds, I got my Notice of Action. I noticed in the new Notices of Actions USCIS tells petitioners that they will retain their files and not send to NVC. They want us to get form I-824 which is about $590 to request the petition be sent to NVC for Consular processing. This is a revenue drive and unfair to people. I've seen many lawyers advice against rushing to pay it, as USCIS will have to send anyway once the case becomes current. Still observing the situation. Any update from your end?
@Ajmeri AI, please try and read more about it online. I Will try and read up on it too and revert. I don't want to give wrong information. But I think once you cross that threshold, the 21yr age limit, the CSPA might apply to you. CSPA is child status protection act. Its purpose is to alleviate the hardships faced by certain noncitizens who were previously classified as children for immigrant visa purposes, but who due to time required to adjudicate petitions, had turned 21years old and consequently became ineligible to receive such immigrant visas. Try read it up, I will try and return with more info.
Shiba! !Sep 5, 2024
@ Tunde, are you in Lagos, Nigeria? I am currently in Lagos. Congrats on your case being moved to Elis. You will now wait for approval if your case has not been approved yet. Your status will probably change to "case is being actively reviewed" first before it changes to approved. Hopefully, you will see these soon. The visa bulletin has moved a bit this year, October bulletin will be out anytime soon as from 7th September. Hoping to see major movements in the remaining part of the year. 10 years is a long wait, but you are closer than ever!
girly RedsSep 6, 2024
@Shiba! ! I haven't received any updates on my case after it migrated😔
Shiba! !Sep 6, 2024
@girly Reds , I am praying and hoping your case is at least approved this year! There is a great chance of it being approved this year after the migration to Elis. Let's see how it goes.🙏🏾
girly RedsSep 7, 2024
@Shiba! ! will definitely update you on any changes so we can navigate through this together
@Shiba yes am in lagos (Tunde) i hope i can privately chat you on my mail I need to explain issues with you if you don't mind. Really appreciate your wonderful assistance on this platform.
Shiba! !Sep 9, 2024
@girly Reds, no problem. We are all here for each other.
@TUNDE ONITIRI, that's awesome.
I sent a hello to your email.
@Shiba i got your mail many thanks
Ajmeri AISep 19, 2024
@shiba I have one more question, when we get the petition approval notice after the case moved to ELIS or before that?
Shiba! !Sep 19, 2024
@Ajmeri AI , the petition can be approved at anytime. It doesn't really have anything to do with moving to Elis. Many people who have not been moved to Elis are already approved, conversely many have been moved to Elis and are still awaiting approval. If you have been moved to Elis, that is just transferring you from the paper based format to electronic or digital, which can make the process more efficient. If you are yet to be approved, the approval can come at anytime. Hang in there buddy. As regards ageing out and being above 21 years, I think CSPA has you covered. Did you read up on it?
Ajmeri AISep 20, 2024
@shiba! Thanks for above information. Yes, I read the CSPA in official website but in that site they note that under 21years CSPA will apply and mine 21years is running from June, is it possible to cover CSPA ? Moreover, CSPA done from India or to do in US ?
Shiba! !Sep 20, 2024
@Ajmeri AI, You are absolutely safe. CSPA rule states that the number of years it took from Receipt date to the time it took to conclude your case will be subtracted from your age. For example your PD is 2013, let's assume hypothetically that your case becomes Current next year, 2025, when you will be 22. Since it took 12 yrs from 2013- 2025 the calculation will be 22 - 12= 10. That means your CSPA age will be 10yrs by 2025. See the formula to calculate CSPA. "Age at the time of visa availability - Pending Time = CSPA AGE". So, obviously you are safe. They won't be leaving you behind when it's time to go. lol.
You will be on the plane as well.
Ajmeri AISep 21, 2024
@shiba!! Thanks a lot for this. But where we fill the CSPA form in India or in USA ? And my grandparents ask agent in USA for our file so that agent said that your file will open in 4-5 years.
Uyi OsagieSep 21, 2024
@Shiba, I got this message of being moved to Case Migrated To ELIS.
My sister petitioned me and wife since may, 2016. Please what next, the wait is been too long!
Gordo CSep 23, 2024
@Shiba! and @girly Reds, it's been 161 days since the case was migrated to ELIS, and still no updates. I check this community at least twice a week, and I’m hopeful that if @girly Reds case gets approved, my sister's case will be next since we share the same timelines, and vice versa. Keeping everyone in my thoughts and prayers as we await good news. 🙏
Shiba! !Sep 24, 2024
@Gordo C, keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best for everyone. Stay blessed.🙏🏾
Shiba! !Sep 24, 2024
@Uyi Osagie, from your Post I can deduce that you are F4 category. Meaning a sibling filed for you. If you have not been approved, thats the next thing you should expect. October 2024 bulletin shows that they are working on March 2008 cases for F4, that is 8yrs away from your PD of 2016. This certainly may be shorter due to movements in the bulletin every month. You should hope to see "actively being reviewed" on your status and then approval, going forward. You may scroll up to see my response to pple who have asked similar questions. Wishing you good luck and hopefully you get a pleasant change in your status soon.
Shiba! !Sep 24, 2024
@Ajmeri AI, I would recommend you seek legal advice to navigate the complexities of the law. This CSPA is not a big deal but I am not an immigration lawyer so I have to be careful not to mislead. Everything I am telling you is what I read up myself. If your grandparents agent is an immigration lawyer, he should be able to answer your inquiries and guide you. Remember CSPA was enacted to protect the immigration status of children like you who would otherwise 'age out' due to administrative delays in visa processing. To qualify for CSPA amongst other things you must.....
(a) Have a pending or approved visa petition for permanent status ( Form I-130). (b) You must take action to enact CSPA within one year of your visa becoming available. (c) Your CSPA age must be under 21yrs old. There are still other conditions but those are the most important I think. I encourage you to go to USCIS website and read up all you can about it, the information is there. Furthermore, seek counsel from an immigration lawyer. Laymen like you and I may not fully grasp or understand all the terminologies or technicalities involved.
Finally, the agent might have said your file will be open in 4- 5 yrs because the visa bulletin shows that your PD is 4- 5 yrs away from becoming CURRENT. Of course this could be much shorter depending on movements in the monthly visa bulletin.
Best of luck.
Ajmeri AISep 24, 2024
@shiba! Thanks a lot for all this…
Uyi OsagieSep 24, 2024
@Shiva, thanks and I appreciate. Hopefully I look forward to hear good news and each an everyone on this platform as well. God be us all!!!
Reginald CherubinSep 24, 2024
Shiba how are you
Reginald CherubinSep 24, 2024
Please i want to talk with u
Shiba! !Sep 24, 2024
Hello Reginald, I'm fine thank you. How are you too? Hope USCIS are not over stressing you?
If you don't mind let me have your mail? I will holla.
Shiba! !Sep 24, 2024
@Uyi Osagie, Amen 🙏🏾
Reginald CherubinSep 24, 2024
Reginald CherubinSep 24, 2024
Im waiting for u Shiba
Reginald CherubinSep 24, 2024
130 . 19 April 2016
Now USCIS send to case Migrated to Elis
Reginald CherubinSep 24, 2024
Im waiting for u answer Shiba
Reginald CherubinSep 25, 2024
Hi All
Shiba! !Sep 26, 2024
@Reginald Cherubin, firstly, congratulations on being moved to Elis. If nothing, it at least shows your case is alive! Furthermore, since the target of USCIS is to move every petitioner to Elis to facilitate a faster and more organised processing, at least you are sorted in that aspect. You should track the visa bulletin to know how that is progressing as well. What category are you in? F2, F3, F4? Has your case been approved? Sent a hello mail.
Reginald CherubinSep 26, 2024
Reginald CherubinSep 26, 2024
Shiba! !Sep 27, 2024
Reginald CherubinSep 27, 2024
Reginald CherubinSep 27, 2024
Yes my friend
Reginald CherubinSep 28, 2024
Ok my understand u , how i Can write USCIS just let me know that please
Shiba! !Sep 29, 2024
@Reginald Cherubin, firstly let's get the facts straight. According to you, your brother filed for you. If your brother filed for you, you can't possibly be F2B. Your correct category is F4. That may explain why you have not been approved yet because for I-130 F4 category October 2024 visa bulletin says they are working on March 2008 cases. With your priority date being April 2016, they are still some good years away from your PD. If F4 is your correct category there's nothing much you can do now except hope for your approval soon and overall faster processing times to reduce the 8yr gap between cases they are processing now in your category, and your PD.
Vedant PatelOct 7, 2024
05/16/2013 F4 petition today I saw the status it shows me my case was move to ELIS in june/11/2024. when should I except it to get approved @shiba!
girly RedsOct 10, 2024
@Gordo C am still awaiting my case to be approve
Gordo COct 11, 2024
@girly Reds same here, no updates or changes since it migrated, it has been 2135 days since the application was submitted and 161 days since it was migrated. I pray we both receive good news soon.
Hazem NuseirOct 12, 2024
Is it normal that visa bulletin still march 2008 since 14 months, did not move even one day?
Imran Z.Oct 14, 2024
@Shiba! ! My case was file in Aug 2015 for F4 category. I received this message
Case Migrated To ELIS
"On August 9, 2024, we moved your case into our electronic immigration system for processing. We have assigned a new receipt number to your case, IOEXXXXXX Please use this new receipt number when interacting with USCIS or viewing updates on your case"
When should I expect approval?? Should I expect around 2031
Shiba! !Oct 23, 2024
@Hazem Nuseir, honestly it isn't normal. Nothing seems normal as regards this long, tedious journey. F4 category hasn't moved for a while in the visa bulletin. That's FRUSTRATING! But the prediction is that it will move, hopefully much faster by the time the elections are concluded and going into 2025. If the Republicans win however, nobody knows what may happen. It could become even more frustrating than it already is.
Shiba! !Oct 23, 2024
@Imran Z. Honestly I wish I had a crystal ball, then maybe I will be able to answer affirmatively to everyone needing answers. All I can say is that it is good you have been moved to Elis. Thats positive. F4 category is one of the excruciatingly slow categories. Presently for F4 they are working on 2008 petitions according to the bulletin. With your PD 2015 it's fair to say there's still some good waiting time. In the meantime what will happen to immigration, how it progresses, depends a lot on the forthcoming elections. It's actually a crucial election for petitioners because the outcome will determine a lot. Stay Strong.
Shiba! !Oct 23, 2024
@Vedant Patel, Yes the expectation and prayer is that it now gets approved, but nobody knows how soon that will happen. They are treating petitions 5 years to your priority date. Your status is likely to change to "Your case is actively being reviewed" before it changes to " Approved". Just keep your head up, it is what it is.
Cecil AnwarOct 24, 2024
Hi, @Shiba! Our I-130 Petition of F4 category was submitted on 21 Dec 2011, and on June 5th 2024 case moved from WAC to ELIS and it says Case was Received and Notice not sent. How many more years will it take to process? Is there any way I can expedite it?
Shiba! !Nov 4, 2024
@Cecil Anwar, wow, 2011. You are pretty close though, since they are working on 2008 cases. F4 category hasn't been moving (quite) in the visa bulletin, sadly. It hasn't moved for a while which is frustrating. As per the possibility of expediting your case, the issue is that petitioners in the category of spouses or immediate relatives don't have a cap on the number of visas, so those in those groups are able to file a 'writ of mandamus' to compel uscis to make a decision on their case( if they feel their case has taken an unreasonably long period of time). But in F3, F4 and categories, there's a visa cap, there's a specified number of visas by law available to those categories and it can't be exceeded except an action by law. So, USCIS have a ready excuse. They will simply say their hands are tied by law that there is a number of visas available each year, and it is by first come first serve basis and a lot of people are ahead of you in the queue. They will say they have a backlog they are grappling with and everyone needs to wait for their turn. That's why you hardly see petitioners in categories F3 ,F4 filing writ of mandamus. There's just too much leeway for USCiS to come up with the excuse of visa cap and the law. I know some people get in touch with their congressman to make a complaint to uscis also. Bottom line is, for your category (F4), it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one to expedite his/ her case successfully. If the visa bulletin begins to be 'bullish', and begins to move in F4, it will reach your turn in no time. Honestly, there's not so much I know you can do. That's why it's so, so annoying. The bright side is, your case is alive, you have been moved to the Electronic platform, which is a necessary step to experience faster processing. Keep an eye on the visa bulletin. Best of luck!
Shiba! !Nov 7, 2024
So, Trump will be back in the white house. Last time he was there he did a lot of things to cripple legal immigration and from his utterances and actions it is safe to say he is anti-immigration. It remains to be seen the actions he will take against legal immigration this time.
Maneesh DNov 10, 2024
Hi I got notification your case has been moved to Elis it’s f4 category and receipt number is June 2015. How long will take it take after case has been migrated to the Elis. Please advise
Shiba! !Nov 12, 2024
@Maneesh D, no one can really say. And any guess will still be a wild guess. The only thing we know is that in F4 category they are currently working on 2008 petitions. And that you being moved to Elis proves your case is still alive and may now hopefully be easier to process since it's electronic. Besides that, nothing much to look at except to watch out for the new Trump's administration's immigration moves and policies to determine if it will further protract the process. Generally, I think by January after the handover and his day 1 speech. people will know for sure the direction immigration will be heading in the next four years.