Mar AB
Oct 3, 2022
Secured credit card
For those who got a secured credit card to build credit from scratch and made the payments on time, how long it took you to get your first credit score and what was the credit score you got? TIA
jose cuellarOct 3, 2022
7 months for me, they already unsecured my credit card.
br RubiosOct 3, 2022
go capital one. they are the best.
Tired of WaitingOct 3, 2022
I have a Discover card which was secured back in the day with $200 credit line. It took me 6 months to get a credit score and it was around 720. I still use that credit card 4 years later. They increased my credit limit a few times, right now it’s $3500 and my credit score is in the 760s. I have 5 more credit cards at this point + 1 completed car loan and 1 current car loan + 1 student loan. It takes time to build credit but make sure you stay consistent and pay off all of your balances on time. Also, don’t close that first account as you’ll ruin your average credit age history.
sal .Oct 3, 2022
@Tired of waiting Per your experience, what score is enough to get a student loan? I started with 660 . Is it enough to get a student loan? Thanks in advance
Tired of WaitingOct 3, 2022
Hi, Sal, I has a USC co-signor for my student loan, so the bank checked their credit score and income and approved it based on that, not because of my credit score.
sal .Oct 3, 2022
@Tired of waiting. oh ok, got it now. thanks. I really need to know the process, amount possible and conditions on student loan. I have to start school ASAP, waiting on USCIS is wasting a lot of time