Jun 15, 2021
Hello everyone,
I have two questions about VAWA RFE. I received a RFE for good moral conduct. My questions:
1. I already submitted my police certicates after submitting my app and receiving the receipt notices. Does anyone have any idea why I still got the RFE - even though I sent in the police report? is this just like a formality or did the previous one get missing? Anyone got an idea or experienced this?
2. I went ahead and sent in a reply to the RFE. Would the RFE delay my EAD timeline?
The chosen OneJun 15, 2021
I got the Same to even if I submitted it initially, I guess they need it to be sure that since you submitted that you haven't been convicted of any crime
G CJun 15, 2021
oh really?! Thanks you
s sJun 15, 2021
Besides the police report I also sent to them letters of good moral character from my friends
The chosen OneJun 15, 2021
@S S did they approve it??
p vJun 16, 2021
I would suggest send police reports from all the counties you have lived for the last five years, check your timeline. this happened to me and it was because I missed a county I lived in
PeaceLove FreedomJun 16, 2021
Why not just send the national level FBI fingerprint based background check report instead of local police reports?
G CJun 16, 2021
@S S do you think this helped? How long did it take for you to get your EAD?
The chosen OneJun 16, 2021
@peacelove freedom How do we get that ??
G CJun 16, 2021
@p v… thank you for sharing. I have been in the US since Sept 2015. I sent in police reports from all the states I have lived in for over six months since I got here
G CJun 16, 2021
@PeacwLove Freedom.. any ideas on how to get that?
PeaceLove FreedomJun 16, 2021
FBI background check, https://www.fbi.gov/services/cjis/identity-history-summary-checks
PeaceLove FreedomJun 16, 2021
Please consult an attorney regarding the RFE as well.
s sJun 17, 2021
I’ve never received a RFE in the past 8 months. When I put my documentation together, my attorney advised me to not only get the police report from the counties I’ve lived in for the last 5 years but algo letters of good moral character from friends or family. It took me 6 months to receive my EAD.
The chosen OneJun 17, 2021
have you been approved??
anci 011Jun 17, 2021
did you get a prima facie before RFE or not? i am interested can we get a rfe after prima?
K PJun 17, 2021
From what I found out last week from my atty & other attys that are in an online forum, USCIS is sending out RFE on Vawa Cases, even if you've sent in the same evidence before, they're requesting it again. When I inquired about when I would get a renewed Prima Facie ,(expd Apr 2021) I was informed by hotlinefollowupi360.vsc@uscis.dhs.gov
that an ext of the Prima Facie will be forthcoming. I am to allow 60 days AFTER the exp date of the current notice for the ext notice to arrive. (ie mine exp 4/30/21) I hope I get it the first week of July.
G CJun 17, 2021
Thank you @K P
The chosen OneJun 18, 2021
@kp this is true because I got RFE for almost the same things I sent in initially, so what is the reason for this action?…mind you they sent me this RFE after 2yrs of filling
K PJun 18, 2021
@GC You are more than welcome.
K PJun 18, 2021
@The chose One ~ Same here. Sept will make 2 yrs. This process is so annoying. The wait wouldn't be so bad if they would just send these EAD's & Prima Facie's a lot sooner. Let me ask you, are you working w/an atty or doing everything on your own? Also, did you complete a psychological exam? If so, did you include it in your pkg to USCIS?
The chosen OneJun 18, 2021
I’m working with an attorney no I didn’t do a psychology exam
The chosen OneJun 18, 2021
@Kp did you receive the RFE too??
K PJun 18, 2021
@The chose One Oh okay. I’m working w/one also, but she doesn’t keep me informed on what’s going on w/my case & I don’t like that. I’ve spoken to her more than once about this, but she just does her own thing. Unfortunately, she’s been paid in full & I just feel like she played me. Things she said she would do, aren’t getting done & as well as the way she said she would communicate w/me is a joke. In the beginning she told me to get the psychological exam done, I did it, After she put my Vawa pkg together I asked her if she included the exam also. She tells me no, she’ll send it later. So why pressure me to get it? That thing cost $500 & to not send it to USCIS is a waste of my money (mother’s money actually) & she just re-traumatized me all over again. Last year I kept reaching out to her to find out what was going on w/my case. She didn’t respond to emails, texts, the online portal SHE herself created. I even found her on FB & sent a msg there. No response. That went on for 5 months! I got so aggravated that I sent her a certified letter requesting that I was giving her 2 wks to put everything together that she’s done on my case & to hand it over to me, that I would handle it myself. No response. I had no choice but to contact the bar on her. She didn’t even tell me that she had moved her practice! They’re the ones who told me. That very day, I got an email from her that she responded to an email I sent to her in January. We were now in the later half of February. We had a zoom meeting the following week. Do you know she had my Prima Facie & never said anything to me? It was dated Oct 2020, but she was telling me she had gotten it just a few wks ago….in February? Yeah right! By the time I got an appt w/the DMV in March, it wasn’t even worth getting a license, as the Prima Facie was expiring in 30 days. $47 for a driver’s license for less than a month. Sorry to vent, but I am so upset. There are attorneys out there that are NOT doing what they said they would do & are taking advantage of people. This is our lively holds their messing around with.
K PJun 18, 2021
@The chosen One ~ That’s the thing, The ONLY reason I know about the RFE is because I heard about lawfully. I don’t need to reach out to my atty to ask what the status of my case is anymore, just log on here & it’ll tell you. When I saw that a RFE had been sent on Apr 22 2021 & it’s now June, this is the nonsense I’m talking about. Why is she responding so late to the request.? You’re holding up my case by replying so slowly. I can’t believe this is happening!
Anyway, I found out about the RFE going on 2 wks now. I sent her an email asking her what is the RFE that USCIS is requesting. She responded the next day surprisingly, stating that she ‘just’ got the request (that’s her favourite term) & that she’s going to make all the necessary copies, the deadline to respond is July, but not to worry as she’ll have it in way before the deadline. She just blatantly lied to me……unless she requested more time to get said RFE together. I honestly hate thinking about my case as it just upsets me even more.
The chosen OneJun 18, 2021
@KP Oh my God I’m so sorry that you’re going through this shit, I was in the same situation in the beginning when I started my process with my ex-husband that was how this lawyer treated our case before we have to move it to another lawyer but now that I’m handling my case by myself with VAWA I was lucky to get an organization THAT gave me a lawyer that is handling my case and they are up to date with me they call me right away when they get anything I don’t have to pay a dime today I’m so rest of the way they work with me on every step of the way oh my God I’m so happy I get to meet these people and I wish you were in a better situation too, because when I try to do it myself and I look for a lawyer They tried to charge me $7000 and I’m getting the same service without paying anything it’s just about information some lawyers choose to take advantage of people like us who are the mercy of the system!! But it’s a good thing now that you know about lawfully when you get a notification you can always walk into her office to demand for the notification and gather most of the documents do them yourself some of them don’t care if you get denied or if you lose your case they don’t care as long as you pay their fee! And make sure after you got that everything Mitsubishi send it out because some of them will just throw your stuff by the side and continue what they are doing they are that mean!
K PJun 18, 2021
@The chosen One ~ That’s what I believe has happened. She got paid the $8k she requested. At first she said my mother could charge it on a card. That would be another monthly debt, so that was out of the question. So my mother saved $1k every month for 8 months. This woman never had to contact me over a later pmt. In the meantime, our air conditioning broke down, we had to do with out for a month or so. That was hell here in South Florida. Then the Washing machine broke down, it was like we were jinxed, something was always in the way. She never once reached out to me to say, hey, just so you know, just bcoz you don’t hear from me, doesn’t mean I’m not checking on your case. Or reach out & say, hey, just checking on you to see that you’re alive, NOTHING. Heck! my old therapist from Women in Distress, always reached out whether it was phone calls, texts or email & I will NEVER forget that. She showed me that someone cared when I thought I was alone i this.
K PJun 18, 2021
@The chosen One ~ Now the next thing that concerns me is, with her not taking my case seriously by not giving me documents or answering RFE in a timely manner, what if USCIS thinks we’re not taking the case seriously? Before she sent the Vawa package up, I got an approval from USCIS when my mother filed for me in 2012. I asked this atty if I should leave the Vawa alone & pursue this as my mother filed & I got an actual approval. She goes on about me having to pay filing fees all over again, & I will have to leave the country to attend a interview at my countries consulate & how I may get stuck over there & unable to come back to the States. Now that there, scared me. It’s just my mother & I & she would be alone, so I opted to continue w/the Vawa, but now I see that things aren’t getting any better w/this atty, I just feel like betting everything on black & taking a gamble on my mother’s petition for me. It got extended for 1 more year to respond. The time to respond is the 6th of July. I’ll have to pay a filing fee as well as AOF (Affidavit of support).
The chosen OneJun 18, 2021
Oh my God I feel so sorry about this all I can say is that if you haven’t payed her all her fees you can take your file case, ask her to gather all your documents and transfer it to another lawyer they are not going to charge you the full amount again they just gonna continue where she stopped that’s what I’m gonna say at least make sure she respond to the RFE and then try to move your case to somebody better…she is being careless with your case!
K PJun 18, 2021
That’s the thing. She has! THIS is the service I’m getting for $8000.00!
Absolutely careless. That’s why I emailed her a reques for a zoom meeting bcoz I NEED a to know EXACTLY what she’s done from what she hasn’t done. My background is customer service & clerical, I’m not a novice when it comes to paperwork or filing important documents. I even offered to help her w/my case. I know when I met her she was a one woman show. She was renting an office space & meeting clients there. This may seem odd to some, but it’s a common practice here in Fla. Now that she’s working w/an organization in Orlando, idk if she has an assistant or not. At this stage it doesn’t matter. I just want to have my file so I can salvage whatever is left of it so I can get my GC & get on with my life. This is just added stress that I don’t need in my life.
The chosen OneJun 23, 2021
@peacelove freedom please do I need to make an appointment to get the finger from FBI?
PeaceLove FreedomJun 23, 2021
I think you've to pay the fees and go for the finger printing appointment at one of the designated centers and after you give your finger prints you'll get the soft copy of the results in like 1 day and a hard copy in mail in the next 2-3 weeks. Follow the fbi cjis identify history summary checks link i shared above.
s sJun 23, 2021
I did my background check yesterday for school. It is fast. I assume that you already have a SSN right? If not it would take a little longer.
The chosen OneJun 23, 2021
my issue is how do I pay the fees because google is giving me different sites with I don’t understand, and besides I just did a fingerprint for my job with the FBI I don’t know if that will serve??
teniel wAug 26, 2021
I’m having the same issues with my lawyer, I received a RFE about good moral character, I already applied for the clearance letter but I wanted to know if I should just sent it to uscis myself, it’s almost a week n my lawyer hasn’t got back to me regarding what to do
K PAug 27, 2021
@kacy w ~ Does your atty have staff that you could speak to, or is your atty doing everything by themselves? I suggest you get a few good friends to write some moral character witness letters on your behalf. That will help your case. I just finished working on my RFE & it was A LOT. I don’t understand why my atty didn’t tell me about it sooner. Online says they sent it out in April, yet she’s telling me she just got the request in June. Something’s not right. Anyway, I’ve done my part, gotten more documents & she has everything now. I spoke to her on the 10th of August & she said she would send my pkg out ASAP. I sent her a message on the 23rd & she still hasn’t responded to me on whether or not if the pkg has been sent to USCIS. Let’s stay positive & hope for the best.
teniel wAug 30, 2021
I’m not sure what my lawyer sent , I send her statement form friends I thought she would send it
K PAug 30, 2021
@kacy w ~ If you don’t have it already, send a request to your atty asking for everything that she’s done on your file so far. It’s your right to have these documents.
teniel wAug 30, 2021
I can’t get in contact with them
K PAug 30, 2021
do you have an email & cellphone number for the atty? Send all inquiries there. Make sure you’re leaving a paper trail in case you need to take action against the atty. What state are you in?
teniel wAug 30, 2021
me n my atty are in Different state
K PAug 30, 2021
Oh I see. That can be challenging. Regardless, keep reaching out. Like I said earlier, I had to get the bar involved just to get my atty to tell me what was going on with my case. She’s gone ghost again on me. Smh
teniel wAug 30, 2021
Pinky LisaOct 1, 2022
Hi everyone, I filled for vawa in 2017 and yesterday I received an update about RFE, I have summited all my evidence to them. I don’t know what the Efe is all about. I did police report and I summited everything we had. Please any idea of what they need?
K POct 3, 2022
@Pinky Lisa ~ I got a RFE last month. They wanted Updated medical exam, proof of Covid vaccine, they’re now requiring HepB vaccine (get it at Walmart if you haven’t gotten it yet), & police clearance (local police background check). I think that was it. I sent everything back last Thursday. I hope I hear back from them this week. 🙏🏾
s sOct 9, 2022
@KP almost two years since I filed for VAWA and I haven’t received any RFE or whatever paperwork from USCIS. It is so frustrating.
s sOct 9, 2022
I mean I got 3 prima facies so far and one EAD with extension after filing for renewal in January and I did fingerprint last year
K POct 11, 2022
s s ~ Sorry for the late response, I didn’t see any notifications from Lawfully until this morning.
I understand your frustration. I was in the same boat. Filed the Vawa Petition in Sept 2019. Got about 3-4 PF’s from them. Hard to tell, as my atty kept giving them to me when they were about to expire or had already expired! Last April was my FIRST RFE after filing for Vawa. They wanted a more detailed declaration of what life was like w/my ex, how many sessions of therapy I attended, more documentation that we lived together, more bills in both names. All stuff my atty could have included in my initial pkg if she would have listened to me, but she had to do things HER way, & she set me back BIG TIME! After they received the RFE in Sept of last yr, THAT’S when I got my EAD. All that time, I was doing odd jobs for ppl to make money. The 2nd RFE came at the end of August 2022, where they wanted the updated medical exam etc…..This entire process is lengthy & stressful. I’m watching to see just how long it takes to get the GC.
Lolo YzaApr 4, 2023
Hello @K P i would like to ask you one question. I applied vawa May 2019 and i got first rfe July 2022 ( after 3 years ). Now i got second time RFE for my case. I don't know why. My question is did you get 2 times RFE for only I360 ?
