Tahir Mansoor
Feb 12, 2021
اسلام و عیکم۔ My name is Tahir Mansoor and I have been with my family in Malaysia for 5 years and I have 3 children and I am a refugee. I am very poor. Please help me.
I know woodworking and have 17 years of experience
Tahir MansoorFeb 12, 2021
Please help
Jonathan SandiFeb 13, 2021
You're definitely in the wrong forum my friend.
max ameApr 29, 2021
help you with what ? how u had 3 children without having an income ?
Veunouss 9Jun 21, 2021
he’s a refugee man. if you can’t help just ignore
max ameJun 21, 2021
he’s in the wrong place but since u no better @Veunnoss . I guess u can help him
Rahul JoshiOct 20, 2021
Do you have work permit
Rahul JoshiOct 20, 2021
is you can be anything but poor if one works
Rahul JoshiOct 20, 2021
it’s a land of opportunities and hope
Rahul JoshiOct 20, 2021
Just get a EAD