mj p
Sep 19, 2023
received a mail from uscis this morning that they have taken an action on my case but i checked my online account and didn’t see any changes even on the documents tab. i also got a mail from the congressman that my application for i-765 work authorization permit has been already approved. and when i checked again my travel permit case it says “case closed” but the notice haven’t changed and says received and being reviewed. anybody have same situation? 🥺
Anastasiia WhiteSep 19, 2023
you will get a combo card
Angel MontSep 19, 2023
I have the same situation I received emails today but I didnt saw any changes and my form i131 now the status is “case closed”
mj pSep 19, 2023
@Anastasiia White i really hope so 🙏🏼
mj pSep 19, 2023
@Angel Mont i hope we get a good news 🙏🏼 the congressman says that my application has been approved yesterday
Anastasiia WhiteSep 19, 2023
check it back in the evening
boysmom maddoxSep 19, 2023
check the document tab under your i765 you should see combo card approval 🙏🏽congrats
Noah HenrySep 20, 2023
As long as you have a good background you should be free to travel. I traveled 3 times WITH AP NO ISSUES
Zaragoza GarciaSep 20, 2023
How long did it take USCIS to approve your case after the help from the congressman?
mj pSep 21, 2023
@Noah Henry my visa expired 3 months before i filed for i-131 you think that would be a big issue? i would be travelling with my daughter she is a us citizen
mj pSep 21, 2023
@b£ll@ Emanuel 2 weeks!!! 🥺
Noah HenrySep 21, 2023
do you have a lawyer? @rj ad
mj pSep 21, 2023
@Noah Henry no. i asked them myself.