tired from waitingg
is it taking that long because I don’t have lawyer?
I am wondering I have no lawyer that is why taking that long? this week I am starting mandamus tired of this

VAWA parent: Self-petitioning parent of an abusive U.S. citizen

Total Days: 1443 days
1443 Days
Vermont Service Center: I-360
Timeline Map
Submission to USCIS
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Kerry S16h
@tired from waitingg it may be, or it may not be. Who knows with USCIS? If you haven't gotten rfes then it seems you filed properly when you did. If you're outside of normal processing time, please reach out!
Hope Hope16h
not necessarily, I have F ….. lawyer on my whole application, he didn’t do anything, I did follow up all things in my application. just waiting to get my green card and write rewie to inform other people. to not hire him .☹️🙁
I eat raw garlic15h
@Hope Hope where are you on the process ? I know you send your medical. for me no update even after filing mandamus, DA in my district is such a waste and I send my medical on June 10.
sweet lins14h
do the mandamus you have been waiting since 2020. remember to pray and think positive and all will be ok
Mrkvica M.13h
@tired from waitingg I had lawyer and it took over 5 years
hikmah anizia13h
@Hope Hope may I know what did you do to make it done faster?
Hope Hope9h
@I eat raw garlic my case doesn’t have any change,it’s been 60 days charlotte has my medical, still no any update on my account. I don’t know what will happen on my case.
Hope Hope9h
@hikmah anizia , my case is not fast , pending 2020 , VAWA approved February 2024 , until now no any good sign on my 485 .
I eat raw garlic7h
@Hope Hope the next thing is your approval, when we don't know. coz I am in the same boat.
Hope Hope6h
@I eat raw garlic . I really want my approval. ☹️😞😓
tired from waitingg6h
@I eat raw garlic your username and profile picture always cracks me up🤣

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