Aug 24, 2021
Should I send response to Medical RFE myself?
Hello experts,
Today, I've received medical RFE. The delivery address of RFE response is local in my state (in west coast). When I spoke with my company's lawyer, he told me to send the I693 along with the RFE to the firm first and they will send it further. To me, this will cause unnecessary delay as the package will first go to east coast and then it'll be send back here.
Does anyone have any recommendations here and willing to share experience on how should I handle this situation? Should I send the RFE response to myself, a copy of the letter along with filled and signed I693 in sealed envelope?
Nad MAug 24, 2021
I was in the same situation as yourself, but went through the company lawyer.
T LAug 24, 2021
thanks. why did you choose to send via lawyer? didn't it cause further delay? did you know what did lawyer send which you could've missed?
Nad MAug 24, 2021
I asked my HR and they insisted sending via the lawyer. they just make a cover letter that they are representing the case along with the medical envelopes. they took 10 days to send the response after they received it from me. I personally don't think, if I had sent the response that would have made any difference. I just followed the instructions from my HR😊
T LAug 24, 2021
I see. I'm planning to send myself due to time saving. i was wondering if there's something special that lawyers are doing other than killing time. time is essence these days as this is end of fiscal year for USCIS.
steve blackAug 24, 2021
I had same exactly case and I’ve sent myself, case was received and status got updated accordingly
My attorney was not replying me and they were delaying for no reason, even I had a copy of notice in my hands they were waiting for their copy to be delivered to their office.
VK SNov 10, 2021
Is cover letter required to add in the package for Medicals RFE response? If so, can anyone share the sample
Nabeel BeidasNov 10, 2021
I have sent the RFE with the sealed medical report envelope without any additional letter. Got approved after a week time.
VK SNov 10, 2021
Great! Looks like it’s not critical to involve lawyer to respond to medicals RFE