Nessa eg
traveling on Advance parole
I recently posted about a trip I had to make home on my advance parole which is in paper form with my picture at the bottom. I went home for 5 days and on my way back I was asked to follow an officer to a back room. It was like a waiting area with immigration officers at their windows. They called my name and I went up to the window where I presented my advance parole document. The officer asked me my home address and if it was a house/apartment. I answered and he went clicky on his keyboard lol stamped my parole gave me back my documents and asked for my kid's passport. He asked me if the two kids were mine and I told him yes. he went clicky again and said “You’re all set and good to go” I’m home now lol was pretty easy if you ask me.
Lucas Menezes7h
what airport ?
Nessa eg7h
Norman Manley in Kingston Jamaica

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