
Finally Approved Spousal Visa I130 American Wife petitioner Nigerian husband. pd August 11th 2023 Approved October 24th 2024 California Service Center
First off I want to Thank God that we finally got through the USCIS stage after 440 days waiting Our prayers have been answered. I'm just so grateful as I recently had my daughter 3 months and we have been waiting since August 2023 of last year. We tried requesting expedite a few times knowing I wanted my husband to be here to witness the birth of his 1st daughter. Although he wasn't here physically, mentally and emotionally he has been. This journey has been so hard on us with already so much distance between us. So yesterday October 24th 2024 I received a phone notification from Lawfully that there had been an update on our case, but when trying to log into USCIS the verification code wasn't coming through for me to log in. So I waited with anticipation to see when I would finally be able to log in. once I did I immediately went to the documents tab an typically where I uploaded the receipt I saw there was 2 documents instead of only being 1. My heart was pounding as I open the file and begin to read the approval letter. it was like 1am my husbands time I called him like 4 times until he picked up the phone to share the good news! I still haven't gotten an email but the approved letter was in documents and now after all that waiting 440 days we can move to NVC STAGE!!! Praying for so many people in the same situation took 14 1/2 months but God did it for us. Still Speechless!! Please keep faith it's going to happen. We did not hire a lawyer we did all the work and put together a Bonifide packet ourselves with 4 full PowerPoint pages of pics, receipts of trips I've take (flights, airbnb stays), my paybstubs for last 6 months, my Credit Cards I put in my name with my married name, added him as authorized user, added my husband to 401k Finance documents, our marriage certificates, Letters of Affidavit from his mom and my best friends, Both or Birth Certificate, Passports and Idenfication documents, my daughters Certificate of Birth from Hospital, Expedite request came later but never approved we also reach out to our Congress women and was denied approval for Expedite. We reached out to the White House again no Expedite approval, but we kept the faith knowing everything we uploaded was more than what was asked. I just want to have my little family together in the same place 🙏🏿 I'm grateful the light at the end of the tunnel is coming! #USCIS #I130 #Nigeria #Spousal #CaliforniaServiceCenter #NVC #FAMILY #GREENCARD


U.S. citizen filing for a spouse

Total Days: 445 days
445 Days
California Service Center: I-130
